Outreach Volunteer Programs Kakuyuni School Tree Mural, teaching the importance of trees to the environment Kakuyuni School for Speech and Hearing Impaired, Kenya. A mural I voluteered for to raise awareness to childrens rights and protection. The mural was amazing with so much artistic talent in the scool. Kakuyuni School for Hearing & Speech Impaired, Malindi, Kenya. Volunteer work for NGO C.I.S.P Child protection center. Kakuyuni. My wonderful bunch of artists so much talent in this school. Prelimary mural tips in the classroom, Saba Saba School, Kilifi District.Volunteer work with C.I.S.P AND CASINO MALINDI A happy bunch, MURALS CREATE HAPPINESS, VOLUNTEER WORK FOR SABA SABA SCHOOL Born to fly charity mural. A charity set up for building schools in outreach zones of Kenya to teach conservation of wildlife. Saba Saba School, Malindi Leopardess Foundation volunteer work building a dispensary in Tsavo East to keep and provide snake venom for snake bite recovery. Elephant mural. Leopardess Foundation Elephant Mural in Tsavo East at the newly built dispensary Kipsing High School, Samburu. Volunteer work with borntoflycharity.org Kipsing High School, Samburu, teaching the kids in the high school conservation of wildlife with borntoflycharity.org Kipsing High School, Samburu, working with the school kids on the outside mural, scorching sun and very hot in desert heat Kipsing High School, Samburu, volunteer work for borntoflycharity.org, the Samburu women joined in, sheer pleasure to paint with them and the children. Kipsing High School, Samburu, loved doing this mural with the kids and all the samburu tribe who just blended in colour wise:) Kipsing High School, Samburu, a bit of yoga. Volunteer work for borntoflycharity.org Kipchamgaa Childrens Home, Kericho. Volunteer work with the kids, brings happiness and pride. Kipchamgaa Childrens Home, Kericho. The kids at work while i orchistrate the mural. Kipchamgaa Childrens Home, Kericho. The kids having fun on the mural as I look on. Kipchamgaa Childrens Home, Kericho. Volunteer work, teaching art and fun. Kipchamgaa Childrens Home, Kericho, Kenya Kipchamgaa Childrens Home, the finished mural for the kids to see and be proud of their talent. Kipchamgaa Childrens Home, kids and adults at work painting and having fun on trhe mural. Kipchamgaa mural detail Kipchamgaa mural detail Bora Bora School, Kilifi District. Volunteer work for C.I.S.P. Child Protection Center Bora Bora School Malindi. teaching the kids art. the mural was based on awareness of their surroundings. Cake celebration after the mural with Daniela Cellini from Malindi Casino Detail Ngulini Mural, Tsavo East Dispensary, Volunteer work for Leopardess Foundation and Tsavo Trust Helping the kids with their ideas for the mural, Saba Saba School, Kilifi District, Kenya CISP Childrens Music Festival. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. CISP Childrens Music Festival. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. CISP Childrens Music Festival, Malindi. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. CISP Malindi Children Music Festival. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP.Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Malindi Children Music Festival CISP. Volunteer work for the backdrop of the bands at a music festival raising funds for Child Protection. Ngulini Dispensary Tsavo, volunteer work with leopardessfoundation.org Ngulini Tsavo, a dispensary built in tsavo East, volunteer work with leopardessfoundation.org